02476 222287

Dates For Your Diary

Please see below for this terms dates for diary;


sm_blue4th October 2019 Grandparents day. The children will be doing lots of fun activities to celebrate Grandparents day. We will be having lots of fun activities.  We would like to invite all Grandparents in to join the children for this session. The session will be held at 2:30pm to 4:00pm. You are welcome to come in an join in even if it is not your child’s normal nursery day, if this is the case please let a member of staff know, the more the merrier.

sm_green10th October 2019 Parents Tea & Cakes. We will be holding a Parents Tea & Cakes session between 4pm and 5pm.  This is an opportunity for you to pop up to the staff room before collecting your child for a little bit of grown up time before the evening rush! the PA will also be on hand for you to have a chat with, this is a lovely opportunity for you to meet other parents and also to ask the PA any question or raise any concerns you may have.

sm_red16th October 2019 Parents Association Meeting.  This is our termly PA Meeting where the memeber of the PA meet with the nursery management teams to discuss various point.  If you would like the PA to raise anything at the meeting please contact them beforehand.


28th October 2019 Diwali. We will be learning lots about Diwali and there will be a wide range of activities on offer. There is a stay and play session between 9:30-11:00. If you are able to join us please let a staff member know.

sm_green4th November 2019   Winter Menu Starts.


sm_red29th November 2019 Parents evening & Food Taster Session.  Parents evening will be held from 6pm onwards, this is a great opportunity for you to meet with your child’s key worker and discuss your child’s development. Please speak to your child’s room staff for timings, these will go up the week before parents evening.  Also during the evening there will be a chance to taste some of the meals from our new winter menu, this is a great chance for you to taste the kind of foods that your child eats at nursery, we hope that you are pleasantly surprised.



18th December 2019. Christmas carol’s at the train station.  Details will follow


sm_green20th December 2019. Christmas Fete. We will be holding our annual Christmas fete. All are welcome to come along and join in with all the fun, We will be doing a raffle, tombola, games and many more. Santa will be joining us too.


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