Red Nose Day Fun

What a fun filled day, for our Red Nose Day bake off …

Mother’s Day Stay and Play Session

Thank you to all the mum’s and grandma’s that joined the children yesterday for our mothers day stay and play session.  The children really enjoyed sharing their day with you all


PreSchool Exploring Space

Pre-School children this week have taken a real interest in space and planets.

They have been busy making rockets using letters from their name, eating soup like astronauts, making galaxy salt dough, flying rockets to see how far they would go using straws and using a measuring tape to see how far they have gone.  They have also cleverly learnt all the planets by memorizing a rhyme, and have had fun creating crators of the moon using flour and marbles.

St Patrick’s Day

The children had a wonderful day doing lots of fun activities celebrating St Patrick’s Day.


On Monday the children had great fun exploring colour for Holi …

Tweenies the Dinosaur hunters !

Tweenies have been looking for the dinosaur this week …

World Book Day

Well what a busy fun pack day today! lots of learning happening with focuses around 4 of the children favourite book; ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, ‘Not last night but the night before’, ‘Room on a Broom’, and ‘Aliens love underpants’

Tiddlers looking after babies

Tiddler Room have been looking after babies this week, and what a good job they did !!  Thank you to Mothercare who allowed the children to use their equipment to help them explore the care of babies.


Pre-School Scientists

This week Pre-Schooler’s have been scientists!

They have had lots of discussions about how raisins are formed, and have tried to put this to the test!

They have also been experimenting with celery and discussing the process of colour change, by using test tubes and food colouring.

Baby’s Bear Hunt

Baby Room

Well Babies have certainly been on a bear hunt this week, including painting a large bear, going into the woods (park), looking at bear books, making bear food and even making their very own bear cave!