Archive for the ‘Birmingham’ Category.

Off to the shops on the bus….

Sharing outstanding practice ……

Bath time for babies….

After feeding the babies in our home corner….it’s time for a bath and ready for bed!!

Our little scientists enjoy experimenting with liquids…..





Christmas Stay and Play….even Santa joined in with all the fun!!

Preschools Christmas tree….


Not enough snow to make a snowman??…oh no!!…we’ll have to make our own.



Let it snow…let it snow…let it snow!!

Let it snow…let it snow..let it snow!!




Santa’a Little Helper’s Sessions

SPECIAL OFFER!! – Book some extra sessions at a reduced rate (subject to availability & terms and conditions) throughout December, so you can do your last minute shopping and wrapping ready for the big day!!

Shopping trip to Tesco’s

Children enjoyed a shopping trip for their favourite fruit and vegetables