Healthy Eating
We feel all children deserve to have health nutrition foods. All meals are cooked from scratch using fresh ingredients. We have at least 3 food deliveries a week to ensure ingredients remain fresh, all of our meats and vegetables are organic and are sourced from Ocado. Children often grow fruit and vegetables in our planting area, allowing them to develop an awareness of healthy foods.
Fruit and milk are offered daily to all children, and water is accessible at all times throughout the day.
Our summer and winter menus are based on a four weekly rota providing our children with a range of nutritional food cooked in our kitchen by our fully qualified and experienced chef.
Fresh Air and being outdoors.
Access to the outdoor environment is imperative to children’s development. Our children get the chance to be outside every day come rain or shine, we love to play in the sunshine, as well as dance in the rain and squelch muddy puddles.
The children also go on regular spontaneous walks and visits to extend their learning and is a great way of them enjoying the outdoors whilst gaining new experiences